Gabe Newell


Why PC?

The first thing people ask when they hear about the "PC Master Race" or begin reading this article is, "Is this a real community?". The answer is yes, absolutely. One thing we specialize in as a group is education and facts, and this page is the physical embodiment of just that. So... Why PC? What's the big deal with PC gaming? What's wrong with console gaming? Is PC gaming actually superior? Are consoles really hurting the game industry? Everything will be answered in greater detail, but yes: PC gaming is wholly and objectively superior to console gaming. It can fill absolutely any and every need that consoles can. Any and all limitations or restrictions holding the PC back are entirely artificial and fabricated by console manufacturers, console developers, and console journalists (essentially, the "console industry") to prolong their relevance and profit. Long has the PC dealt with slander, misrepresentation, console marketing lies, FUD, and hostageware from the console industry. That's partially what triggered the creation of this subreddit and formation of our ideology in the first place! Before the rise of the "PC Master Race" communities and ideology, there wasn't any unified group present to fight console industry slander, FUD, hostageware, and marketing lies.

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This has now changed.

PC gaming is no longer a force to be messed with, and there's an army of 500k+ people who have united for the very purpose of making sure PC gaming is properly represented and no longer mistreated. As users of a free, open, and decentralized platform, it's our responsibility as PC gamers to take the place of the support, management, port testing, and other essential duties that a console manufacturer would otherwise handle for its users and its developers. The page you're about to read is the product of several years of hard work from individuals who believe in the PC, who have done all of this for no other reason than to ensure the console industry's damage is limited, and that the truth still has the ability to directly reach you regardless of how much they attempt to bury the truth in marketing lies and negative associations. Strap yourself in, little Timmy. Get some food, water, and music, because this ride doesn't end.

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Forget everything you thought you knew about PC gaming.

This article has two goals: to teach readers how to get into PC gaming and take advantage of all its current offerings, and to dispel the myths about PC gaming that the console industry has been spinning up in an attempt to remain on top despite declining relevance. It's 2018 and PC gaming has never been this inexpensive, easy to get into, free of restriction, or more widespread than it is today. Largely to thank for this massive PC growth, consoles have never been as ethically and technologically worse than they are today - and a lot of people are switching. Yes, this is the first time in gaming history where PCs have surpassed consoles in every conceivable way for less money (however, consoles continue to sell due to dishonest marketing, abuse of money and power of their creators, and traditional beliefs held by many gamers). This following page will explain (in detail) how and why the PC is the unquestionably and objectively superior choice (cheaper, faster, better, more versatile, and more compatible) compared to underpowered and industry-harming PS4 and XBox One "PC imitators". It's also non-linear and can be read in any order that you prefer. This is a very PC-oriented community, so you may be expecting unjustified or illogical fanboyism... however, a large driving force behind the PC movement is because of what it offers. In other words, we chose it because it's awesome - not it's awesome because we chose it. The past seven years of surging growth, competition, and innovation in the industry have improved the PC in almost every regard, largely due to the mobile hardware and efficiency revolution, as well as things like Steam, Humble Bundle, and Good Old Games. PC gaming is now cheaper than ever, and console gaming continues to get more and more expensive as the PlayStation & XBox divisions continue to push prices (and their own business operation costs) higher every year. Reading this guide will cost you exactly $0, whereas, in comparison, buying a console and paying for all the extended costs of everything it requires could easily exceed $2,000 in just a few years (not to mention, consoles offer a considerably worse gaming experience)! Honestly, what could it really hurt to read this? Bookmark this, read it thoroughly, check all the sources, share the link with your friends, and enjoy!